Meanwhile in Durango

Stanna high up on the right

Not to be out-done, Stanna and her Wednesday hiking group managed to crest Overlook Point.  Her seven friends hiked up above the local 11,400′ tree-line to a point overlooking Ruby Lake, Chicago Basin and the Needle Mountain Range of the San Juan Mountains.  Breath-taking, in several senses, this view looking north is one only the hardy get as a reward for their efforts.

This loose group of 20 or more ladies always has between 4 and 12 show up weekly, for various quests around the Four Corners region.  They don’t always climb so high, but they alway have a good time exploring hiking routes in the area.

Stanna rarely carries a camera so photo credits go to Linda Crossett and Connie Voss.  Below are two more photos from this day hike.

Ruby Lake from Overlook Point

Ruby Lake