
20120919-170906.jpgSaddest thing I’ve seen along the roadside was this 3rd generation iPad squashed and slid over to the gravel shoulder. One wonders for miles, what was the occasion of it’s demise? Was it “set” atop a car while the owner searched for keys? Was it the source of a raging “domestic” (A Kiwi expression for a family argument), and the trumping spouse sent the Silver tablet out the window? Or was this final solution to not getting Siri to give an appropriate answer? Probably just pissed at AT&T service.

When I traveled the eastern half of the Southern Tier bicycle route a couple years back, we could tell what state we were in by the roadkill. Armadillos in east Texas, turtles in Louisana, and tiny deer in Florida. I guess since we were close to the Tech Center of Arizona near Chandler they run over iPads.