Back in the Saddle


Back in Durango we’re literally back in the saddle getting back to our routines of going to the gym and Stanna’s already done two Wednesday snowshoe hikes with the ladies.  I’ve never attended winter spin classes and quickly learned that you have to show up by 5:20 to get a bike and spot for the 5:45 class.  Not only that but there are three back to back classes Monday Wednesday and Friday starting at 5:45. I knew it was popular in the winter but there must be close to a hundred spinner a day in those 3 classes alone.  One thing to note was that I couldn’t do a Tree balance posture my first day back at yoga.  It was really bad because I’d been asked to lead the next day’s class the night we arrived in Durango.  I was still swaying from Dragonfly when I needed to stand perfectly still in the dimly lit room that next morning.  Fortunately I’d made my excuses early and tried to tell a few sailing stories while holding poses up front.

Yes it’s cold but, outside of the small skiff of snow that followed us into town as we arrived, there hasn’t been anything but clear and cold days.  Fortunately the below zero days that set a 50-year record in January are long gone.  We only have to put up with low 20’s first thing in the morning.

Every time Stanna and I make the long drive home from a winter away, we compose a long prospective to-do list of home improvements, summer goals and things we’d like to do.  Last week was no exception and we’ve already purchase paint for an accent wall experiment in the bedroom.  With all this cold weather we thought we might get started early on the summer chores giving us more time for enjoying the outdoors.